Here's our "private space" works

HTML files still have to be named in a 'menu' file -- for security reasons, GN won't serve any file that isn't mentioned in a .cache file, which is created from the menu file.

But the directory that contains the HTML file doesn't itself have to mentioned in a menu file. And if it's not mentioned, Gopher clients won't see them in the menus.

data/private: a private space

There's now a /home/gopher/data/private directory. That directory is not mentioned in /home/gopher/data/menu, so Gopher users can't see it. Gopher users that can figure out the path could still tell their gopher client to find this directory, so it's not "secure", but it does let us have some semi-private space. However, it's quite visible to WWW if you use the correct URL, which is

home.html: A home page

If you look in /home/gopher/data/private, you'll find several html files, including home.html, which is the html document that our lynx client looks at first.

ph 19 Jan 94