LA PLAZA TELECOMMUNITY FOUNDATION MISSION STATEMENT It is the mission of La Plaza Telecommunity Foundation to improve and ensure public access to educational information and telecommunication technology via democratic access to telecomputer technology. La Plaza is a member-supported, public interest, online computer network that gathers and disseminates multi-sector educational information. La Plaza provides a vehicle where citizens of Taos can gain access to regional, national and international telecommunications opportunities. Through home, office, school, or La Plaza public access computers, any individual, school, or public agency in Taos County is ensured of equal access to the Network's educational resources. It is the intention of La Plaza to research, develop, impliment, and maintain a telecomputer network for Taos County. A major function will be to educate and support the Taos community in use and application of this system. OBJECTIVES The immediate objectives of La Plaza Network are to: 1. Research, develop, and impliment a telecomputer network in Taos. 2. Operate and maintain a member-supported educational telecomputer network that provides public information and telecommunication resources for all citizens, and for the Education, Business, Government and Human Services sectors of Taos County. 3. Site Public Access Terminals (PAT) throughout the area in prominent community locations such as libraries, multi-cultural centers, town buildings, and educational institutions to ensure equal access to the network's resources by all citzens. 4. Develop and present education and training programs for citizens, schools, businesses, and non-profit agencies throughout the diverse cultrural communities. The programs will be designed to increase awareness, understanding, and ability to use new telecomputer technologies for personal, professional, economic and community betterment.