LA PLAZA TELECOMMUNITY FOUNDATION ACTION PLAN STEP 1. Research existing resources under the Work Group Headings. The purpose of this is educate ourselves in specific areas so that upon community introduction we have the answers. Method: Online resources are available (get a modem or visit someone with one). Follow-up on contacts made at the Telluride Conference (see someone who attended). Network, network, network. STEP 2. Infrastructure and Community Assesment. The purpose of this step is twofold: Assessment: Infrastructure: To determine what exists from a technological stand point. What hardware exsits in our community. For example UsWest, UNM, Government Agencies, REA, etc. Community: What is in place in the various sectors of the community and what is being used. Introduction: Equally important is the grassroots introduction of La Plaza to the community. Through direct interaction with individuals and soliciting their input we can begin to generate community-wide support for La Plaza. Method: Direct contact with people that fall under the heading of your Work Group. Materials available: La Plaza - An Introduction. Assessment Forms. Your charm, wit and influence. STEP 3. Community Analysis - Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats (SWOT). A realistic view of what is here. The purpose is to look at what we have found and plan strategy. Reports from the Work Groups are very important here. Method: Each Work Group present their findings to the larger group. STEP 4. Vision. This is where we make the crucial decisions. What hardware/software, which line from whom, PAT locations, marketing, funding, staff etc. The purpose of this step is to come out with a well defined set of elements that will make up the backbone of La Plaza. Method: Each Work Group makes recommendations in their area and concerns and considerations are voiced by the group at large. At this point a facilitator is invaluable since we will be discussing particular line items in terms of actual implimentation. STEP 5. Projects. At this Work Groups may change or new ones added. The purpose of this step is to begin to put our vision into reality through action. But first... Method: A new Action Plan is drafted and... STEP 6. Plan Adoption. Through the foregoing process we will have gained a lot of information and direction. A formal document is drafted and presented to the community. Here is the nuts and bolts of what we are doing. It is possible to ask for 'endorsement' from the various sectors of the community. This serves as a vehicle to broaden public support of the vision and plans. STEP 7. Implementation. Just do it! Method: A lot of grease and grind. There are a number of issues not yet mentioned in this plan that are worthy of consideration: Organizational Structure: Board of Directors, Staff - paid/volunteer, decision making format, adminstration, etc. Timelines: Necessary for any plan is the time framework in which it will happen. This ensures that the 'hot air' factor is worked out early on. We have a good group and the 'hot air' factor is low. However, it is helpful to realize our existing commitments and obligations to avoid burnout and stress. Funding: The sources for securing money can happen simultaneously with this plan by constructing a master proposal. However, it is crucial that an organizational structure is in place before dollars, equipment, or services are donated. Note: We have someone who will write the 501 (c) 3 charter on a write now, pay later plan. That requires having at least a president, vice-president and secretary/treasure before it can be sent to the feds. We can't even get a floppy disk without it. Final Note: This plan is not written in stone (or on the hard drive in this case). I am open to changes and revisions. I am offering it as an option so that this project will not go by the way or never happen. Input welcome! /s/ P.