J Matisse Enzer, CEO
Eigenstate Consulting, LLC - http://eigenstate.net/
P.O. Box 411607
San Francisco, California 94141-1607
415-225-6703 |
Objective |
To lead by example in a team dedicated to building things. |
Summary |
More than 30 years of experience as a manager, leader and implementor in designing building and improving systems, software, and teams.
Developing creative solutions using existing resources, and inspiring and motivating members of a project team.
Exceptionally skilled at explaining technical matters to non-technical people, and business matters to non-business people such as engineers.
A talent for understanding the link between technology and a business’s bottom line.
Current Engagement |
July 2007 - Present - Software engineering at Apple Inc.
Accomplishments |
- Primary Cocoa developer on the OS X application used to create virtually all customer-facing Apple product documentation. Delivered 6 major and many minor releases in a 2 year period. Responsible for the full software development life-cycle including requirements gathering, software development, recruiting beta users, collaborating with QA on the test suite, writing release notes, etc.
- Led the process of extracting a new Cocoa framework from an existing application and creating a new application which uses the framework. Enabling two teams to collaborate on the shared framework and innovate independently where necessary on their separate applications.
- Extensive collaboration to refactor and improve a Cocoa XML editing application.
- Managed the engineering team for Apple's Developer Publications department. Added a DevOps capability by recruiting and hiring two dedicated DevOps engineers and started the multi-year process of unifying the Content Management System.
- Managed and led the engineering team that created
- Refactoring an extensive legacy codebase at Barclays Global Investors (now BlackRock) so that it can be repeatably tested outside of the production environement. Inspired and facilated major improvements in the teams’ development practices.
- Major work on anti-spam systems at Technorati, Inc. (www.technorati.com) (July-December 2005.) Designed and built a framework to integrate existing tools; added several new methods of identifying possible blog-spam; created an automated process for checking "suspects" using SpamAssassin. (Perl and Java, on Linux, using MySQL, Apache, mod_perl, daemon tools, memcached, CVS)
- As Chief Engineer at Doodlelab (a company owned by Hamilton Partners) I implemented series of successful development projects and managed a technical team of both local and remote engineers. Created My Card Maker web application. (October-November 2005) (Perl,Linux, MySQL, Apache, mod_perl, CVS, XUL, python)
- Technical architect and developer of a series of web-based Employee Benefits Enrollment/management systems, including the first one deployed for Adobe Systems in 1997. The latest (2003-2005) is used by ABM Industries to handle benefits for thousands of employees.
(Perl,Linux,MySQL, Apache, mod_perl, MySQL, CVS)
- Open Source Projects I Created and/or Manage:
and contributed to Devel::Refactor
- Author of Unix for Mac OS X 10.4 Tiger (Copyright ©2006, Matisse Enzer) Published by Peachpit Press. This is the revised version, for Mac OS X 10.4. This book is the best beginners guide to Unix on the market.
- Led the effort to migrate TechTV’s Web systems to a company-controlled environment.
- Chief Engineer of dot-com era interactive marketing company SF Interactive (now Butler, Shine, Stern and Company,) managed employees & contractors, translating business goals into engineered specifications and systems.
- CEO of Internet Literacy Consultants - provided technical consultig services to a wide variety of clients including Bank of America, Intel, and Pacific Telesis. Hired and managed a staff of 6 employees plus various contractors.
- Managed the Customer Support department at the WELL through growth from two to seven people; worked on rollout of Internet access in 1992. (1991-1994)
Past Engagements |
Software Development Services at Barclays Global Investors (now BlackRock). January 2006 - June 2007 providing services which include:
- Working in Perl and Java, primarily on Solaris 10, using Sybase, SVN, CVS, JBoss, Cruise Control, Apache, mod_perl.
- Refactoring an extensive codebase to simplify and provide consistency.
- Designed and led implementation of a entirely new Build and Deploy process based on industry-standard tools, providing an extensive framework for unit tests and end-to-end tests.
- Introduced a "private" CPAN repository which is used to manage the interdependencies between various Perl libraries.
July-December 2005: Developer and Architect with Technorati, Inc. (www.technorati.com).
Designed and developed the technical systems of the employee Benefits Enrollment System (BES) used by ABM Industries.
Development of this system included adding features after initial launch in order to support billing, audit trails, COBRA enrollments, etc.
Commercialized the development process and led the technical team for a series of web-based applications that provide users with the ability to upload and manipulate images and create printable compositions such as greeting cards, brochures, etc. Over a period of approximately two years five such systems were launched by Hamilton Partners in support of marketing programs they developed for Hewlett-Packard. The most well-known of the systems is My Card Maker.
OpNet Community Ventures
Designed and taught three and seven-week classes on Unix and Web programming
Buck Consultants
Designed and built a Web-based employee benefits enrollment system used by Pacific Coast Bancorp.
TechTV (formerly ZDTV)
Technology management work, including migration to a centrally controlled environment, design of a live comment system (tied to the live cable content.)
LSI Logic
Designed and built online reservations systems.
SF Interactive
Chief Enginer. Management and leadership of projects and engineering staff on several assignments
Internet Literacy Consultants
CEO and Founder.
Internet Literacy Consultants (ILC) was a small corporation I created and ran for several years providing
software engineering and other consulting and training services to clients including
Bank of America,
Clement Mok Designs (now Studio Archetype),
General Magic,
Harvard Business School,
LucasArts Entertainment Company,
Macworld Online,
and Pacific Telesis Group.
ILC began as a one-person consulting operation and grew to a small C-corporation with several employees and
contractors whom I managed and led.
Manager, Support Department
Skills |
Unix/Linux, OS X, MySQL, Solaris, Perl, Java, mod_perl, HTML, CSS, SQL, Tcl, Bourne Shell, Apache, Netscape, NCSA, thttpd, CVS, vi |
Affiliations |
- Co-host, Open Source conference on The WELL
- Host, Internet conference on The WELL
- Charter Member, Electronic Frontier Foundation
Publications |
- Various articles for NetscapeWorld magazine
Education |
Apprenticeship with Christopher Alexander and the Center for Environment Structure, Berkeley California
Cooper Union-Irwin S. Chanin School of Architecture, New York City |
References |
Available upon request. |
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